Ten Things You Should Know About Traffic Stops
According to the Stanford Open Policing Project, on a typical day in the United States, police officers make more than 50,000 traffic stops. We know that nationwide, there is an outsize risk for certain groups of people when interacting with law enforcement.
Ask An Intern: What Does TurnSignl Mean to You?
This summer, we asked our marketing interns about their experiences living in Minnesota over the past year, and what being part of the TurnSignl team meant for them.
Tips for Protecting Your New Driver
Most teens are excited to get their driver’s license and hit the road for the first time, but this can be a scary time for parents. If you have a new driver in your household, it’s normal to be anxious. Although statistics about teen drivers and accidents can be frightening, you can take steps to help protect your teen driver.
Ask An Intern: Why Do You Use TurnSignl?
This month, TurnSignl asked a few of our summer interns to share their experiences with us as passionate members of our community. Each of them has a unique perspective on the future for social justice, and what they need to feel safe and empowered.
How Does Tele-Legal Work?
In recent years, technology has evolved rapidly to create new solutions to connect us with friends and colleagues around the globe. For users, some of these platforms can provide access to legal guidance and a calming presence from attorneys in the moments that matter most.