Frequently Asked Questions

About TurnSignl

  • TurnSignl is available monthly for $6.99/mo or annually for $60/yr. To see more, check out our

  • Through a partnership with the TurnSignl Foundation, TurnSignl makes the app free for those who can’t afford it.

    TurnSignl is 100% free for those who are unemployed and those whose income is less than $40,000 per year.

    To see if you qualify for free services, check out

  • You can update or cancel your subscription at any time using the in-app settings menu, following the prompts in the “Manage Subscription” section.

  • Only attorneys licensed in the user’s local jurisdiction are allowed to answer TurnSignl video calls from users. Our goal is to support every user in their moment of need, but in the event an attorney is not available, the video recording can still be used by the driver and provided to an attorney of their choosing should further legal assistance be needed.

About the App

  • The TurnSignl app can be downloaded in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

  • TurnSignl should be used during a traffic stop, after you have safely parked your vehicle, or after an auto accident.

  • At this time, TurnSignl should only be used for traffic stops and accidents. While the recording function can work any time you have cell service, the attorney guidance is tailored to supporting road-related incidents only.

  • Calls can be initiated by voice activation or by opening the TurnSignl app and selecting the appropriate call button.

    For a traffic stop, press the large camera icon or the “I’m being pulled over” button.

    For an auto accident, select the button that reads “I’ve had an accident”.

  • The TurnSignl app is supported on mobile devices (iOS and Android).

    iOS is supported for iPhone 6 and above and iOS 13 and later.

    Android is supported for all Android devices above Android 7.0.

  • Cell or wireless service is required for the app to function properly, including recording video and connecting to on-demand legal guidance over video chat.

  • Only the user has access to any recording made on the TurnSignl app. Protecting user privacy is important to TurnSignl and for this reason, videos are not available to TurnSignl or any attorney on the platform, unless express written consent is given by the user or a legally authorized party.

    See for more information.

For Attorneys & Businesses

  • Check our our Attorney page to schedule a consultation. We will answer your questions and help determine how your firm can leverage this technology to help members of your local community and retain clients when they need further legal assistance.

  • Visit our Businesses page to see more detail on our pricing and availability for enterprise and small businesses.