Share your TurnSignl story.

How does TurnSignl work for you?

We’re looking for your real experiences where TurnSignl has made you feel safer and more confident on the roads, or helped others in your life. Tell us about:

  • A moment where TurnSignl came in handy when it mattered most,

  • Why you chose to download TurnSignl for yourself or others, and/or

  • What advice you’d give to people curious about the platform.

Share your story for the chance to inspire others, raise your voice, and receive a $25 VISA gift card.

How to Submit:

  1. Write or record a short overview of your TurnSignl story,

  2. Follow the link below to submit your entry.

  3. Check your email for a $10 or $25 VISA gift card within 5 business days.

  4. If your story is selected, we will share it with our network!

Check out this recent story from an app user:

“I’m a mom of 3 boys here in New Jersey, the oldest of which just started driving. He saw your video a month ago about that TurnSignl app, and he asked me if I would consider getting it for him. He’s been nervous to drive here, because he’s just started and we moved from a rural area.

Well, two weeks ago he got in an accident. Once they were off the road and out of their cars, the other driver said he would cover the damages, not to worry, and that they would figure it out. But my son felt weird about the way the guy was acting, so he went to his car and pulled up the app.

A NJ Lawyer answered almost immediately, and unbeknowst to us, there is a NJ law requiring you to call 911 if the damages exceed a certain amount. When the cops arrived, they must have smelled alcohol on the other driver, so they breathalyzed him. He was 3x the legal limit.

Who knows what would have happened to the accident situation if it weren’t for the app... but more importantly, who knows what would have happened if that driver had gotten back in his car and driven off again. So thank you for telling people about this!”

Tips for Sharing:

  • You can record your entry on video, put it in writing, or share a real video call from the app. Self-recorded video stories should be under one minute, and written entries should be 500 words or less.

  • All entries are eligible for promotion on our channels, including our website, social media and marketing channels. When you submit your story, you are giving TurnSignl approval to share to these channels, if your story is selected. You do have the option to share your story anonymously.

  • Here’s how to earn a gift card:

    • $10 — Written stories or testimonials

    • $25 — Self-recorded video testimonials (why you downloaded the app, your experience, etc.)

    • $25 — Video call recorded directly from the TurnSignl App (these are located in the Call Log section within the app.)

“In my eyes, regardless of who you are, where you live, what income you have, etc. there’s no reasonable argument you can make to say this app is anything but a positive move towards a better and safer future for everyone and that’s amazing! I feel like driving in general even if it’s just down the road, I feel more comfortable with this app on my phone!”

— App User, T.K.

"I really appreciate this app. I was unable to record on my phone because of my storage and the piece of conversation that TurnSignl recorded was crucial."

— App User, T.K.